
Champagnes with ambitions – and subscriptions!

“We have an ambition of being Denmark’s best champagne club, providing the best quality”
– Mikkel Hagerup, part owner of Champagneklubben

CHAMPAGNEKLUBBEN by ChampagneKælderen

What is Champagneklubben?

One of our satisfied Danish customers is ChampagneKælderen, Denmark’s first and largest champagne store. Their physical store is located in central Copenhagen, with a nice view over the beautiful city ponds, Søerne. Here you can browse the inventory of around 200 different sorts of champagne, and if the weather is nice you can borrow champagne glasses and enjoy your delicious purchase outside by the water.

The success of ChampagneKælderen lies however not only in their physical store or their knowledgeable staff. In 2017, ChampagneKælderen started the now very popular and successful subscriptions customer club Champagneklubben – and improved it in 2018 with payment software from former Reepay, now a part of Billwerk+. As a member of Champagneklubben, you get a new, exciting product of Champagneklubben’s choice delivered to you each month.

We asked the part owner Mikkel Hagerup about his subscription needs for Champagneklubben.

What made you interested in adding a subscription service?

We wanted to educate our customers and bring them on a journey to Champagne, by creating a champagne club where the members not only get a new bottle, but in the champagne bottle also an experience to explore every month!

When we added a subscription service from Billwerk+ the experience was very good. Previously we used bank transfers to handle payments, and there was just too much manual work with that system. When we changed to Billwerk+, suddenly everything was automatic.

Easy-to-manage payment and subscription management for your business growth

What success have you noticed since adding a payment gateway and subscription service?

After starting to use the Billwerk+ payment gateway and subscription service, we find ourselves spending a lot less time on management and administration, and we get much more time to focus on finding and taking care of new members of Champagneklubben. It’s actually quite simple – Billwerk+ just made it very easy to get monthly payments from our customers, with us spending less time on administration. Before Billwerk+, everything regarding payments were handled manually.

The Subscription

The Champagneklubben subscription is based on a fixed recurring subscription model, which is a good model for the subscription business that provides their customers a product with a fixed price. This way the subscription service usually charges the customers on a recurring basis, e.g. in the beginning of the billing cycle. It’s easy to use, you just have to enter the recurring price and the billing cycle information. Using this model has benefits such as:

  • Constant revenue
  • Low cost of entry
  • Predictability for your customers
  • Price certainty

More than 2.000 leading companies already rely on the European e-payment and subscription management market leader Billwerk+

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