How to start with subscriptions

Your subscription strategy is key

Set your path to success with a solid strategy

When you start up with subscriptions, you need to prepare your company and your knowledge in how to run a subscription service. To build your subscription strategy, you have to know your company and how subscriptions can fit into your product offer.

A subscription business model focusing on recurring payments instead of single payments increases the value of your company, provides you with predictable income and builds stronger customer lifetime value. Thus developing a subscription service to your business offer is a strong way to grow and scale your business.

But not every subscription business succeeds, going head first into selling subscriptions without setting up a strategy. That is why having a well worked out subscription strategy can be the key to your success and to reach your full business potential.

Prepare your recurring payments setup

At Billwerk+, we can offer you a powerful payments and subscription management tool to fulfil all your one-time and recurring payments needs. But in knowing how to strategically get your business ready for subscriptions, our partners SignUp Academy holds valuable knowledge and experience in starting up and optimising subscription businesses. Their core competencies revolve around developing, launching, and optimizing subscription businesses, and this includes knowledge about, for example:

  • Identifying the best membership benefits

  • Developing subscription packages

  • Marketing and selling subscriptions

  • Launching new subscription businesses

  • Retaining subscribers

Analyse and optimise your subscription business

The business that is considering starting with subscriptions can get expert guidance from our partners SignUp Academy. They offer different personalised programs designed to help you kickstart and optimise your subscription business.

Apart from the business programs, at SignUp Academy you also have access to a library of articles and master classes full of solid knowledge, relevant tools and valuable inspiration in how to start up a membership club or subscription business.

At the moment, the online masterclasses SignUp Academy offers are only available in Danish. However, Mette and Andreas at SignUp Academy are happy to consult you and support you starting up your subscription journey in English as well as Danish.

With the book “Sign Up” by SignUp Academy’s co-founder Andreas Dirksen you can deep dive into a valuable guide to creating a thriving subscription business, as well as an interesting personal success story.

Download your Subscription Strategy checklist

It is important to set good foundations for your subscription business model before you launch it. By creating a subscription strategy, you give your business a solid knowledge of your business and customers etc. that will help you launch and succeed with subscriptions.

With this checklist from SignUp Academy you get a helpful guide to help you prepare for setting up your subscription strategy. Download your checklist guide today!

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More Information

Learn more about subscriptions with
Billwerk+ and SignUp Academy

It can seem like a huge step to go from one time purchases to start offering your products as subscriptions. It’s not easy to know where to start, what to do and what not to do. Or to see the subscription potential in the products or services you are selling!

That’s why Billwerk+ and SignUp Academy have teamed up with the Subscription Academy, to make it easier for you to start up with subscriptions. We want you to get inspired and learn more about subscriptions. Not only what they are and their benefits, but also how you and your company can start up and master them.

Billwerk+, previously known as Reepay, has an extensive knowledge of the payments and subscription industry. Billwerk+ is suitable for businesses of all sizes, with an easy to manage platform flexible to your business needs.

Learn more

Signup Academy has coached over 500 companies to successful subscription businesses. With the knowledge and support of both companies behind you, you can also become a subscription success!

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