Prepare your business for recurring payments

Start setting up your subscription plans

Getting a regular stream of recurring payments in your business gives you great stability and a predictable cash flow.

With a subscription service providing your recurrent revenue, it’s easier to scale and grow your business. You can make better estimates of sales to stock your products accordingly, and add on different product packages and add-ons to spark your regular subscribers interest in new items.

So in short, adding a recurring payments stream with subscriptions is a great idea. Both Billwerk+ and SignUp Academy have seen many of our customers gain success and growth with subscriptions, and can recommend that you also consider starting with a subscription service.

Prepare your recurring payments setup

To accept recurring payments online, you need to set up plans to manage your subscriptions. Setting up your subscription management for recurring payments in Billwerk+ is quite easy. You can set up several different plans to cover all your various packages and tailor your monthly recurring charges to your needs. Actually, there is no limit to how many plans you can set up!

Just follow this quick guide to set up your subscription plans:

  • Go to Configurations, choose Plans and click Create

  • Fill in name and description of your subscription plan

  • Use the default Dunning plan or customise it to your needs

  • Add pricing and billing schedule for your subscription plan

  • Set up your minimum contract period and notice periods

  • Customise Billing Cycles, Trials and Setup Fee or use the default settings

  • Repeat for as many subscription plans as you need!

Billwerk+ Feature

Sell subscriptions in a few clicks with Hosted Pages

For the small business with non complicated subscription needs, or for the SaaS business, or for any business that is just in the need of a simple subscription offer page, starting out with Billwerk+ Hosted Pages can be a quick and easy way into subscriptions.

With Hosted Pages, you create a page with your subscription offer, directly in your Billwerk+ platform. This page can be used within your website or as a stand alone page to promote your products, as example if you’re selling subscription products on social media.

Protect your business with Terms and Conditions

Your website’s Terms and Conditions page is a critical element in preparing for recurring payments. It safeguards your business by establishing usage rules and setting guidelines to prevent conflicts. These terms outline the relationship between you and your customers, ensuring mutual protection and financial stability through clear regulations of e.g. payment, returns, and shipping.

In essence, your Terms and Conditions page minimises liability, protects your website, and prevents misuse. Tailoring them to your unique needs is recommended. When using Billwerk+ for online payments, having terms and conditions is mandatory to get an acquiring agreement, which is needed whether you run an e-commerce or subscription service.

Download your Terms and Conditions checklist

Setting up terms and conditions is very important, no matter if you run an e-commerce or a subscription service.

Find out what crucial elements you need to include in your terms and conditions with our free checklist guide today!

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More Information

Learn more about subscriptions with
Billwerk+ and SignUp Academy

It can seem like a huge step to go from one time purchases to start offering your products as subscriptions. It’s not easy to know where to start, what to do and what not to do. Or to see the subscription potential in the products or services you are selling!

That’s why Billwerk+ and SignUp Academy have teamed up with the Subscription Academy, to make it easier for you to start up with subscriptions. We want you to get inspired and learn more about subscriptions. Not only what they are and their benefits, but also how you and your company can start up and master them.

Billwerk+, previously known as Reepay, has an extensive knowledge of the payments and subscription industry. Billwerk+ is suitable for businesses of all sizes, with an easy to manage platform flexible to your business needs.

Learn more

Signup Academy has coached over 500 companies to successful subscription businesses. With the knowledge and support of both companies behind you, you can also become a subscription success!

Learn more