Subscription Analytics2024-07-02T15:51:17+02:00

Use Billwerk+ subscription analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, identify areas for improvement and improve customer engagement across the whole subscription lifecycle.

Relevant metrics and KPIs such as subscriber growth, retention rate, churn, customer lifetime value, and MRR offer YOU valuable insights to grow your business with subscription analytics.

  • Subscription analytics dashboard: The dashboard lets you see your account’s key metrics at a glance.

  • Subscription KPIs: Get one-click KPIs for your customer lifecycle value, such as Monthly Recurring Revenue.

  • European data protection according to GDPR.

  • Subscription Reporting: Keep track of contracts, product sales, revenue forecasts, payments, component and discount bookings.

  • Since subscription analytics software is primarily aimed at making everyday work easier and clearer, we offer YOU a high degree of automation.

  • Out-of-box integrations for all your needs around subscription analytics.

More than 2000 leading companies are already relying on Billwerk+, the European market leader for subscription analytics

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“Thanks to the high level of automation of internal processes, we are scalable for future growth. This means that we will remain competitive in the future.”

Fabian Silberer, Chief Executive Offier, sevDesk GmbH

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Everything you need to take full advantage of the valuable subscripiton analytics insights.

Benefits for YOUR business

  • Products / Services catalog & terms and conditions

  • Flexible product structure

  • Easy management of tariffs

  • Discounts & Coupons

  • Net/Gross prices

  • Price scales

  • Bucket pricing

  • Multi-currency support

  • Contract Management

  • Flexible trial phases

  • Up-/downgrades at any point in time

  • Flexible binding and notice periods

  • Lifecycle automation

  • Compliance with the “Fair Consumer Contract Act”

  • Multi-language support

Subscription Analytics | Billwerk+ Subscription Management

With Billwerk+ subscription analytics we help YOU to:

  • Minimize churn through streamlined management of customer relations and discount campaigns

  • Acquire customers through freemiums and trials

  • Execute your cross and upsell strategy

  • Provide self-service subscription management and renewals

  • Monetize new offerings quickly

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You know what’s best for your business needs, and our subscription analytics give you valuable insights. Let’s talk!

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More about
subscription analytics

The process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data through subscription analytics allows you valuable insights into customer behavior. Identify areas of improvement to increase revenue and improve customer engagement

What are the challenges of reporting & analytics for subscriptions?2023-10-09T11:15:31+02:00

Common challenges of reporting and analytics for subscription businesses are:

  • Churn Analysis: Identifying why customers cancel subscriptions.
  • Revenue Recognition: Handling deferred revenue accurately.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Accurate projection of future revenue.
  • Data Integration: Combining data from various systems.
  • Subscription Metrics: Tracking specialized KPIs (e.g., MRR, Churn Rate).
  • Predictive Analytics: Forecasting future revenue and growth.
  • Product and Pricing Optimisation: Finding the best pricing and features.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensuring customer data protection.
  • Competitive Analysis: Assessing the competitive landscape.
  • Scalability: Handling data growth as the business expands.

Meeting these challenges requires specialised tools and expertise to optimise subscription-based business performance. With Billwerk+, you can rely on powerful subscription analytics tools to keep track of your performances, supporting your scalability.

Analytics vs. reporting: What is the difference?2023-05-02T15:30:13+02:00

Reporting and analytics build on each other. Without subscription reporting, there is no subscription analytics. On the other hand, reports alone hardly allow contextualization and do not provide a view of the big picture. The analysis of the data thus provides the basis for the definition of measures.

What is Subscription Reporting?2023-05-02T15:29:22+02:00

Subscription reporting describes reporting and is therefore one level above monitoring. The data obtained from monitoring, for example, is used to highlight conditions or trends that have already taken place or are currently taking place. Whereas monitoring concentrates solely on the data that is currently being collected, reporting focuses on future forecasts and assessments, which can highlight opportunities and risks.

What is Subscription Monitoring?2023-05-02T15:28:37+02:00

Subscription monitoring provides companies with a subscription overview in real time. All relevant key figures can be viewed clearly on detailed dashboards. At the same time, the data is stored in order to gain important insights.

What are the key metrics in Subscription Analytics?2023-05-02T15:25:19+02:00

A recurring payment business model provides companies with a continuous stream of revenue and their customers with the flexibility they desire. For example, the most meaningful metrics to ascertain whether predetermined goals are being met can be:

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR).
  • Annual recurring revenue (ARR)
  • Average revenue per user (ARPU)
  • The churn rate
  • The renewal rate
  • The customer lifetime value (CLV) or “value over the customer lifetime
5 Benefits of Subscription Analytics2023-05-02T15:22:45+02:00

Effective, contemporary reporting and analysis methods go far beyond actual data collection. They encompass a wide range of techniques that can provide valuable information to management. Especially in the subscription area, there is a wide range of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant for getting a picture of the company’s performance and potential for change (in both positive and negative directions). Tracking these manually is hardly feasible in practice. Thus, subscription management solutions offer a number of important benefits for subscription companies:

Meaningful assessment of current performance.

With the help of KPIs, companies are able to continuously monitor the development of their own business. Comparing KPI data with benchmarks shows whether performance is improving, stagnating or (at worst) deteriorating. This can be determined by an individual department or division as well as at the overall company level. Evaluating one’s own performance is easier if investments in acquiring new customers, CAC and CLV are always kept in mind.

Gain visibility into your business

Subscription analytics software captures all types of data across the enterprise. It doesn’t matter what infrastructure that data comes from or how old each component is. Any data source can be integrated into reports, giving users a fully comprehensive view of their own business.

Identify problems and challenges faster

A company is only as successful as the cash flow it can generate in the future. The company’s own KPIs provide information. Performance slumps and their causes are much easier to identify using analytics and reporting. Equally, however, companies have the chance to counteract this before it is too late. It’s easy to identify starting points to increase efficiency and profitability.

Improve demand forecasting

KPIs are also useful for establishing internal benchmarks for business development. These make it easier to forecast in terms of demand in the coming months and years. Slightly exponential growth in recurring revenue (MRR, ARR) or user numbers is often an indicator that a company’s own subscription products are at the beginning of a demand boom. This makes it easier to forecast business figures, but also allows for better preparation. New servers, new employees, additional functions required: All this can be planned promptly and on the basis of reliable forecasts.

Increased timeliness, improved efficiency

After data collection, the question is how to present the data to business owners and decision makers in a thoughtful and insightful way. Management levels need the information presented clearly so they can analyze it easily and quickly. A poor or inadequate Subscription Overview due to insufficient data slows down decision-making processes. By implementing an effective analytics and reporting system, a company can improve its communication, productivity, accuracy and timeliness.

Why is Subscription Analytics important?2023-01-24T16:49:26+02:00

The ability to produce meaningful reports and analytics is increasingly important for all businesses and industries. Timely processing of data and the right subscription analytics capabilities improve the ability to make informed, evidence-based decisions. In an era of increasing competitive pressures, growing globalization, and ever more differentiated customer needs, this is absolutely fundamental.

What should you look for when choosing subscription analytics software?2023-01-24T16:47:59+02:00

There are numerous software solutions for monitoring and analyzing your own subscription data, but it is worth taking a look at the capabilities of the individual offerings. Since the primary goal of subscription analytics software is to make everyday work easier and clearer, a high degree of automation is important. A large number of interfaces simplifies integration into existing software landscapes, no matter how heterogeneously they are structured. Keyword KPIs: These can be freely defined and specified by state-of-the-art subscription analytics software. The same applies to reports, which can be customized. Nevertheless, modern applications already provide a wide range of custom reports to make it easier to get started.

One of the most important criteria away from the applications is an intuitive user interface that enables quick familiarization and uncomplicated, internationally understandable use. This is ensured by ergonomic and clearly arranged dashboards that can be customized based on the user’s own requirements. Comprehensive support from the manufacturer throughout the entire product lifecycle is also a decisive criterion when selecting a suitable solution. In addition, subscription companies in particular should be sure to check whether the software is PCI-compliant and therefore meets the relevant standards.

In-house Analytics Capabilities or Subscription Analytics Software?2023-01-25T08:14:05+02:00

As is so often the case with subscription analytics software, the question is whether to go with an in-house or third-party solution. Companies that opt for an in-house solution benefit from short paths, a development process without dependencies, and the certainty that they will receive subscription monitoring exactly as they want it. Changes and adjustments can be made promptly and flexibly. On the other hand, there is probably a lack of know-how and industry-specific experience. Furthermore, specialists who are needed to implement projects have to be hired. The cost advantage, which may arise compared to software from the free market, is thus quickly put into perspective again. They are also often neither state-of-the-art nor do they comply with EU regulations.

Modern subscription analytics software solutions now offer a wide range of functions to cover a variety of company-specific requirements. In terms of security and compatibility, they are state of the art. The continuous development of these platforms offers ever new features and allows users to stay competitive. Real-time monitoring, custom reports and user interfaces based on the latest criteria ensure maximum flexibility. In the event of problems, such as server failures, external support ensures that the damage is limited and that errors and problems are quickly resolved.

How does subscription analytics software work?2023-01-24T16:44:27+02:00

A modern reporting and subscription analytics solution can easily tap, process and analyze data from all areas of the company and from many other data sources. As a well-connected hub within the system landscape, subscription analytics software ensures that data from all relevant processes converge harmoniously. This provides companies not only with a wide range of information in real time, but also with a complete picture of the status of all KPIs. These can be defined independently. Sales and user figures are available on a daily basis, and the reports provided show trends and developments. Access is via the computer or mobile devices. Multi-level security defines access to individual pieces of information and ensures that everyone has access to exactly the information they need for their own tasks.

What is Subscription Analytics Software?2023-01-24T16:42:53+02:00

To get the most out of their data and realize the potential of their business, companies need a reliable means of collecting, processing and analyzing it. Subscription analytics software is such a tool. It clearly displays the most important key figures on customizable subscription dashboards, contextualizes a wide variety of data sets and enables meaningful subscription reports at the touch of a button. On this foundation, important decisions can be made for the alignment of the company and its processes.

What is Subscription Analytics?2023-01-24T16:41:59+02:00

Data analysis is the step in which an overall impression is gained from the reports. Individual data is put into context, evaluated, weighted and used for decision-making. For example, product owners, product managers or other decision-makers can use subscription analytics to determine the reasons for corresponding trends and developments or how significant the opportunities and risks are. Derived recommendations for action and measures to counteract or strengthen the trend can thus be easily defined.

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