About the Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel

The Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel conducts research on a variety of topics and is headed by Professor Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister. In addition to research on topics related to the importance and relevance of services in the age of digitalization, Professor Leimeister’s team is researching topics related to the future of work. Other thematic focuses of the department include the establishment and research of e-learning services and the analysis of data processing.

The various topics as a whole aim to advance digitization in companies, for society, and for end users. Professor Leimeister’s team is successful both nationally and internationally, as evidenced not least by the publication of articles in renowned journals. The Department of Business Informatics is also distinguished by its collaboration with various representatives from the field (including: fortiss GmbH, Audi AG, BBraun AG) and joint projects.

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Contact for inquiries

Department of Information Systems at the University of Kassel

Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
Head of the Department

 Office: +49 (0)561 804-6064