The Billwerk+ e-conomic integration powered by Kontolink

The e-conomic connector with Kontolink and Billwerk+ transfers customer data, booking journals and invoice data automatically, ensuring that the sales information is always up to date in e-conomic. This eliminates the manual export of sales accounting data and automates the process in terms of an optimized data transfer workflow.

The Kontolink integration allows for explicit configuration for each product to allow for flexibility in regard to accounts and VAT.

Advantages of the connector for e-conomic

With the e-conomic Connector, invoice data can be transferred from Billwerk+ to e-conomic – reliably and in accordance with all regulatory requirements. The connector requires a minimal amount of configuration whereafter the data will flow from Billwerk+ to e-conomic on a regular basis automatically.

The e-conomic integration is provided by our partner Kontolink and is available to you now in the platform.

Read more about the e-conomic Kontolink integration